The Brussels child benefit from 2020: the new model
If, due to the new rules, you should receive less child benefit than under the old system, you will still keep your old amount for the children born before 1 January 2020. This means that you do not receive less child benefit than you were entitled to at the end of 2019.
Other innovations in Brussels from 2020:
- The rules for granting social supplements under the new system apply. These now also apply to all low-income families, and not only in the event of unemployment, disability or single-parent families. This might entitle you to a supplement, whereas before 2020 this was not the case.
- The surviving parent who cohabits or remarries retains his or her right to orphans supplement.
- Any application for child benefit or supplement submitted from 01 April 2023 will be subject to the new three-year limitation period.
The Brussels model from 2020 in figures:
A few standard amounts
- A fixed basic amount between 174,08€ and 211,38€ a month for every child.
- This fixed amount is increased by half if one of the parents passed away and is doubled when both parents (or the only parent) passed away. (supplement for orphans)
Some supplementary amounts subject to a few conditions.
- A possible social supplement based solely on your family income and the number of children in your family
- A possible social supplement for single parents who raise their children on their own.
- A possible care supplement. For example the care supplement for children who have a chronic (mental or physical) medical condition but also a supplement biological parents receive when their child is in foster care.
The amounts of the Brussels child benefits are linked to the Belgian health index. When the health index is exceeded, the social benefits rise accordingly. This means that the amounts of the Brussels child benefits follow the increase. This index was last exceeded in October 2023. The amounts mentioned here are therefore the amounts paid since November 2023 (paid beginning of December 2023).
The law stipulates that your child benefit must be on your account at the latest on the 8th calendar day of the following month. Parentia chooses to pay the Brussels amounts of child benefits already at the beginning of the month. Would you like to know the exact dates? Take a look at our page with payment dates.
Baby on the way? Remember your birth or adoption allowance
€ 1.367,74 for the first child (of one or both parents) and per child if its a multiple birth
€ 621,70 for the following children
Baby born? Don't forget about your child benefits
If 1 child and no social allowance, no allowance as an orphan or a child with a disease:
€174,08/month per child born before 2020
In all other cases: child from 0 to 11 years old:
€174,08/month per child born before 2020
In all other cases: child from 12 to 24 years old:
€186,51/month per child born before 2020
In all other cases: child from 18 to 24 years old enrolled in higher education:
€198,95/month per child born before 2020
If orphaned
half orphan (only one parent passed away): basic amount x 1.5
0 to 2 years:
3 to 5 years:
6 to 11 years:
12 to 24 years:
of € 99,47/year per child if attending higher education
(based on gross annual taxable income and the number of children):
Annual family income ≤ € 39.792,84:
Child from 0 to 11 years old:
+ € 49,74/month for the 1st child,
+ € 87,04/month per child as from 2 children,
+ € 136,77/month per child as from 3 children
Possibly increased by a supplement in the case of a single-parent family (child from 0 to 11 years):
+ € 0,00/month for the 1st child,
+ € 12,43/month per child as from 2 children,
+ € 24,87/month per child as from 3 children
Child from 12 to 24 years old:
+ € 62,17/month for the 1st child,
+ € 99,47/month per child as from 2 children,
+ € 149,21/month per child as from 3 children
Possibly increased by a supplement in the case of a single-parent family (child from 12 to 24 years):
+ € 0,00/month for the 1st child,
+ € 12,44/month per child as from 2 children,
+ € 24,87/month per child as from 3 children
Annual family income between € 39.792,84 and € 57.763,80:
Child from 0 to 24 years old:
+ € 0,00 /month for the 1st child,
+ € 31,09 /month per child as from 2 children,
+ € 89,52 /month per child as from 3 children
Foster child:
Child with disorder/disabilities:
4 to 5 points (at least 4 points in pillar 1) | + € 104,47 |
+ € 139,12 | |
6 to 8 points (at least 4 points in pillar 1) | + € 535,89 |
9 to 11 points (less than 4 points in pillar 1) | + € 324,64 |
9 to 11 points (at least 4 points in pillar 1) | + € 535,89 |
12 to 14 points | + € 535,89 |
15 to 17 points | + € 609,35 |
18 to 20 points | + € 652,88 |
mor than 20 points | + € 696,40 |