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Got a question?

Welcome to our "frequently asked questions". With the information noted below, we will try and answer any question you might possibly have regarding the birth allowance or child benefit. Whether you are a young parent and therefor completely new to the system, or whether you're looking for specific details, Parentia is the partner that helps you discover all the existing advantages to their full extent in order to provide your children with all the opportunities they deserve. 

Our frequently asked questions:

Haven't found the information you were looking for?

Haven't found the answer in this extended list of frequently asked questions? Then ask us your question by phone, e-mail or via our contact form. A colleague will do the necessary research and they will get back to you with an answer as soon as possible. That way you can occupy yourself with what really matters, your family!

Ask your question online

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Maybe you'll be able to find your answer in one of our blog posts!

Kinderbijslag, kindergeld of Groeipakket, geboortepremie of startbedrag: wat is het verschil?
Wat voor paperassen moet ik in orde brengen als mijn kindje geboren is?