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Welcome to Parentia Wallonia: Start your new life in Belgium

This page gives you an overview of all the important information and useful links to assist families that move to Belgium from another country. Everything you need, clearly put together in one place.

Integration and registration in the municipality

Social help

CPAS, for financial support and other types of assistance:
For social support, such as assistance with housing, psychosocial guidance, intervention for urgent medical aid, or financial support, contact the Public Social Welfare Center (CPAS) through the municipal services of your place of residence.


    CHILD BENEFIT, financial support in case you are a parent

    Got children? Apply for child benefits, afterwards you will receive your benefits automatically every month
    Pregnant? Apply for your maternity allowance (a one time premium at the birth of your child), afterwards you will automatically receive your monthly child benefit.


    HEALTH INSURANCE, for reimbursement of medical expenses.
    Join one of the following health insurance funds:

    • Partenamut 
    • Solidaris
    • MC
    • La Mutualité Neutre
    • Mutualité Liberale
    • Caisse Auxiliaire d'Assurance Maladie-Invalidité (CAAMI)
    Where to get medical assistance?
    • Find a General Practitioner in Flanders:
      • To find a general practitioner: surf to Ordomedic
    • Emergency numbers:
      • During the night and in the weekends (General practitioners on call): call 1733
      • Urgent care (emergency services): call 112 (or app 112)
      • Anti poison center: call 070 245 245
      • Telephone support service: call 103


    FOREM, (Office wallon de la Formation professionnelle et de l'Emploi), for assistance in finding a job

    Day care and school

    • Day care for children of 0-3 years old?
    • Education for children of 3 to 18 years of age: preschool , primary and secondary education:
      • Enroll your children in school:
    • Higher education (18-25 years old):
      Apply for a scolarship via Allocations d'études / Aides aux étudiants