What is the Child benefits?
In Wallonia, as a parent, you receive child benefits for the care and upbringing of your child(ren) living in Wallonia.
The Child benefits consists of:
- A one-time maternity allowance of €1.367,74 per child at the birth of your child or an adoption allowance of €1.367,74 per child at the adoption of your child. Are you pregnant? Apply for your maternity allowance now!
- A monthly basic amount per child
- Additional allowances depending on your situation
Apply now for your maternity allowance of € 1.367,74. This will only take a few minutes.

My Parentia: Your child benefits at a glance!
My Parentia is the personal online file for parents receiving their child benefits through Parentia.
Use My Parentia to...
- Access the complete Child benefits file for your child(ren), including the amount per child, any supplements, etc.
- Consult all correspondence online anytime, anywhere.
- View a complete payment history of your child benefits.
- Stay updated on all news related to your child benefits dossier.
- Request certificates and documents.
- Update the bank account number where you receive the child benefits.
Go to My Parentia
Frequently asked questions
How do I apply for my birth allowance?
You can already receive for your birth allowance as soon as 2 months before the presumed date of birth. So best to apply on our website as soon as possible!
Can I also apply online? Yes you can. On top of the written application, Parentia offers you the possibility to apply for your birth allowance online. Step by step we'll help you to file your application online easily and quickly. Keep your national number and a digital pregnancy certificate (eg. photo (JPEG, PNG), pdf, ...) closeby to complete your application. Don't have a digital certificate at hand or haven't reached your fifth month of pregnancy yet? No worries! Be sure to already fill out your online application and we will remind you later on to send it to us as soon as you are in the possession of a valid certificate.
How do I apply for the birth allowance? You can apply by sending us the application form, which you will find on our forms page, filled out and signed. You also have to add a pregnancy certificate, signed by your midwife or doctor/gynecologist. This certificate needs to contain the presumed date of birth and the number of children expected (one baby, twins or multiple birth). Pay attention! The signing date can only be as soon as 4 months before the presumed date of birth.
Once your child is born? If you applied for your birth allowance at our services, you don't have to do anything anymore once your baby is born. Based on your application, we will already have started a file (or a file was already present for older children in your family) and we receive an electronic message for every alteration that takes place in your family composition. As soon as your new born child is registered at the community services, we will receive a new family composition that will contain the name of your newborn. Based on this composition, we will be able to add your freshly born baby to your file and start the child benefit payments automatically.
How do I obtain a child benefit certificate?
Are you a Parentia family member? In that case you can quickly and easily download the needed certificates through our customer page "My Parentia". Through this portal site you are able to log on to your personal account where you will be able to download or print the needed certificates. Or you can simply ask for your certificate by e-mail, post or telephone. You can find our contact data on our contact page.
I've got a new bank account number, how do I communicate the new number?
Changing a bank account number can only be done written. Depending on when your children were born, you will have to use a different document to do so. Once we have the necessary document in our possession, duly filled out and signed, we are obligated to contact FEBELFIN and check if you actually are the holder of the account number which was communicated.
Tip: Try to send us the document MOD Wfeb to communicate the new number as soon as possible, in that way you prevent the next payment to be transferred to your old bank account number.
I live abroad If you live abroad, and you or your partner came to Wallonia to work, the same rules apply as those for the Belgian families who live in Wallonia. To communicate a change of an international bank account number, you can use the form MOD W INT. You need to fill out the first part of this form yourself, a second part has to be filled out and stamped by your bank abroad. Once filled out and stamped you can send us the document by post or e-mail.
My child is a student worker. Does this influence my right to child benefits?
To thicken the bank or savings account, a lot of young people want te earn a little extra money during their studies. A child is without conditions entitled to their family allowance up until august of the year they turn 18. Up until then, profitable activities do not influence the right to child benefits. After that, up until their 25th birthday, a student can work (with limitations) and still receive their child benefits under certain conditions.
My child is placed in an institution, who receives the child benefits?
When a child is placed in an institution, 2/3rd of the family benefits are paid to the institution or the government that carried out the placement, "Fonds Jongerenwelzijn". Generally, the remaining 1/3rd is paid to the beneficiary who received the child benefits up until the moment the child was placed in the institution. Under the condition that this person keeps taking care of the child during the time of the placement. The judge can also decide to have the 1/3rd be transferred to a savings account of the child itself. To calculate the amount of the family benefit of children placed in an institution, other calculation rules may apply than for children who are not placed in an institution.
My family income has changed, do I have to report this?
In short: YES! It is always wise to contact your payment organism whenever your family income changes. However it's true that when as a family, you only have Belgian revenues, based on your tax form, each year we can check if you might or might not have been entitled to (social) supplements in the past.
So when you do not inform us that your family income has decreased at any given time, we will (based on your tax form) still be able to pay you your supplements retroactively if it would seem that you met the conditions as a family.
However, when you fail to inform us your family income has increased, while we already were paying a supplement, this may cause problems. Tax forms are always delayed. So if you do not inform us about an increase in income yourself, there is a possibility that we pay your supplement unrightfully for a certain period. The moment we establish this, wrongfully paid supplements will have to be reimbursed. More information as to which types of income need to be taken in account, can be found on our supplement page.
My family situation has changed, what do I do?
The composition of your family changes cause one of your grown up children leaves home, a (first) child is born, a family member passes, ... Changes in your family situation of that nature can have consequences for your child benefit payments. What do you need to do when a change in your family situation occurs?
You do not yet have a child benefit file. Your first child has been born and you forgot to apply for your birth allowance before birth. This means that you are unknown with the child benefit fund, and therefore you still have to communicate the birth of your child with one of the child benefit funds yourself. If you wish to apply for your birth allowance and child benefit with Parentia, you can easily do so online. Our colleagues will compose your file, based on the data you provide us with and will start payments of the child benefit together with the payment of birth allowance. Once payments have been activated, our colleagues will automatically be notified (by the crossroads bank) of every change that takes place in your family situation. Based on this information they will do the necessary to complete your file.
You already receive child benefit payments. In this case you don't have to do anything at all. As soon as your official family composition is altered at the community services, your child benefit fund will receive a digital message from the crossroads bank. Based on that message, our colleagues will take the necessary actions to complete your file.
When will I receive my child benefits?
The child benefits are paid around the 8th of the month every month. At that time you are receiving the Growth Package of the month prior to the month in which the payment takes place. For instance: the child benefits of the month of April are paid around the 8th of May. On top of that we schedule extra weekly payments to enable us to carry out overdue payments to which you still might be entitled.
You are already part of the Parentia family? Well if that's the case you can easily consult your payment history via our client page 'My Parentia'. Via this page you can log on to your personal account where you can consult all the necessary data.
Why choose Parentia and how do I do that?
As the biggest child benefit fund in Wallonia and Brussels and payment organism in Flanders, we pay child benefits and Growth Package of approximately 700.000 children. That provides us with the means to help your family in an efficient and proactive way. And we do far more than just paying the child benefits on time
As a parent, you already have plenty on your mind. And that's where we come in. We will assist you wherever we can throughout the entire proces of the growing up of your child. From baby to young adult. We will proactively send you useful information that can help you out with your family administration. That way you don't have to cruise the world wide web searching for the correct answer to your questions. And that provides you with some nice advantages:
- you are not in the risk of overseeing obligations (or remembering them too late)
- your children won't come short of anything, seeing they will not miss out on any supplements or bonusses
- your family administration will take away less of your time ... so you can focus on what actually matters: your family.
On top of that Parentia will be your regular source of inspiration: from fun activities with your children to tips and tricks to help develop your child to its full potential.
Convinced? You're expected a (first) bay? Go ahead and apply for your birth allowance online as soon as possible. We will guide you through it step by step.
Already receiving your child benefit via an other child benefit fund but you would like transfer to Parentia? That just click the forms button in the top menu and download the affiliation form. If you rather have the form sent to you, just contact us via post, e-mail or telephone and we will send it to you as soon as possible.
You're Moving? How does your child benefit fund know and what are the consequences?
Your child benefit fund luckily is not one of the administrative burdens you have to consider when you move! That's right, the crossroads bank of social security will make sure your child benefit fund is automatically notified of your changed address. Based on this notification the data in your file will be adapted.
Careful! When you move from one Belgian region to another, you will also be subject to the child benefit legislation of that specific region. On top of that, you will have to fill out a new application for family allowances. Even if you choose to remain with your current child benefit fund, you still have to file your application with their services.